Saturday, April 13, 2013


charter schools

The blogosphere has a few bloggers who keep writing about Horizon Science Academies, Concept Schools, and other charter schools around the country that were initiated by Turkish American educators. Clearly, these "bloggers" feel threatened by successful schools like those managed by Concept Schools -- and will do and say anything to tarnish their stellar reputation. We cannot speak on behalf of the schools around the country other than Horizon Science Academies and Concept.

Horizon Science Academies and other Concept managed schools are charter schools or schools of choice. That means all of our parents CHOOSE to attend Horizon Science Academies. Not only do we CHOOSE to attend but we also CHOOSE to stay at Horizon Science Academies.

So we, the parents of Horizon Science Academy, refuse the advocacy of these faceless bloggers who lurk in the shadows and speak in phrases designed purely to drive emotion. They are devoid of facts and purport to be a “watchdog” of charter schools or “advocates” of parents, students, and citizens.
As it was disclosed on Concept Schools’ blog,, Concept managed schools serve around 10,500 students and their parents. They also have a significantly high student/parent retention rate (81% network average).  We do not need “bloggers” who apparently assume that these 10,500 parents are duped into some kind of conspiracy and that they cannot make their own judgments. Who died and made them our advocates?!

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Plese let us know what you think about the issue of the charter schools allegedly linked to Fethullah Gulen and thus labelled as Gulen charter schools.