Saturday, April 13, 2013


In the video above MerryLynn Gerstenschlager, the Vice President of Texas Eagle Forum, tried to convince the Texas House Public Education Committee that Harmony Public Schools should not be allowed to be run by anyone who is not a U.S. citizen. Like Horizons in Ohio, Harmony Public Schools is a group of successful charter schools opened by Turkish American educators.

MerryLynn’s biggest complain is that these schools are exposing our children to the Turkish culture (she must've learned to connect the dots from Sharon Higgins). Never to make any sophisticated conclusions that these schools of choice do anything but good in the community, her arguments were quickly dis-proven by the smart Committee members.

Rep. Mark Shelton, R-Fort Worth, asked a very pertinent question. "Why do you not trust the decisions and choices of the parents?" Indeed, these charter schools are schools of choice. Like us, the parents of that school are choosing to send their students to the "stellar" (a word Gerstenschlager herself used to describe the schools) charter in Texas. With no logical basis for her arguments, her knowledge about academia and the on-goings of the so called Gulen charter schools in Texas were laughable, to say the least. This video clearly exposes the level of knowledge that these people have…NONE

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Plese let us know what you think about the issue of the charter schools allegedly linked to Fethullah Gulen and thus labelled as Gulen charter schools.